The Biggest Security Threat to Your Business is on Your Payroll Get it Now! As loyal as your team are, and as much as you think they know about cyber security, as business owners, we simply can’t afford to think like this. Because the threat of an insider attack...
This Weeks Free Software Pick Ever have a piece of software you wanted to get rid of put up a nasty fight in its effort to stay on your system? Plenty of antivirus programs (ahem Kaspersky) do this. Don’t fight with stubborn software, get some help from Geek...
This Weeks Free Software Pick Sometimes you need to know what’s on your network. Maybe you need to find the IP address of a device you want to manage on your network. One of my favourite tools for the job is Advanced IP Scanner. It makes discovering devices...
This Weeks Free Software Pick Not exactly free software but, Microsoft recently launched ransomware protection in Windows Defender. With the proliferation of ransomware lately, no business is safe and we all have to take precautions to protect ourselves. Trust us when...
This Weeks Free Software Pick Working from home is likely to never fully go away. Niagara businesses that aren’t completely cloud-based, usually have data on the network that remote users need access to. That access must be secure as possible with strong encryption...
Get it Now! These days, hacking is a profession. And a very lucrative one for some. The internet has made it amazingly easy to access hacking knowledge and powerful automated tools. There’s also organized crime involved in modern-day hacking. The criminals are...
This Weeks Free Software Pick I usually advise clients to avoid anything that purports to be a “registry cleaner” like the plague. More often than not, the software simply isn’t very good and sometimes it’s an outright scam. CCleaner (Crap...