If you use Google Chrome in your business, you’re probably familiar with extensions. These useful tools can enhance your browsing experience in countless ways, from blocking annoying ads to reducing distractions. Extensions are incredibly popular because they can add...
Microsoft Edge for Business has just rolled out new data leak control capabilities. And that could be a good thing for keeping your sensitive info safe. What are data leak control capabilities? In plain English, they help prevent your sensitive information from...
Phishing scams are one of the biggest security threats to your business right now. A massive 83% of organizations said they suffered successful attacks last year. And with just under a third of phishing emails being opened, the chances that someone in your business...
When you’re browsing it can feel like you’re being bombarded with things other people want you to see. Not only do we have to click on permissions for cookies and tracking, but now a lot of websites ask for our permission to send us notifications. And while many of...
As a business owner or manager, you know how important good IT is. Your business couldn’t function without it. Your IT isn’t just about computers and data. It’s everything from your phone system to your printers, to where you access your documents. And that’s without...
We all have different ways of working. Some of us prefer to have a minimal number of things displayed on our screens. Others thrive when everything is open and in sight. But we can all agree that having 20 tabs open in your browser at any one time has a negative...